Radiant Resilience

Radiant Resilience.

Bursting with joy, sparkling with energy,

A new life is born, innocence personified.

Expectancy rewarded, enshrouded in hope

Peace on earth.

Angelic choir, responsive shepherds

Inspired dignitaries take a marathon trip

Excited parents attend their precious Son

Prince of  Peace

Urgent travel arrangements, an unexpected move

A new land, a new culture, a new home.

Constant connection with the angel-messengers

Peace in action

An exciting return back home, a new start

Skills learned, wisdom crafted, faith deepened

A career in view, shining resilience for sure

Peace personified

A Dove appears, a Divine endorsement given

A new era begins, The Word dwells among us

Lives are transformed, sickness healed,

Peace in action

Radiance incarnate walks among men on earth

Faith is taught and caught, vision is instilled

A message of radiant resilience is heard

Peace in hearts


Oxygen of Encouragement


Caught in the grips of discouragement and despair.

Gloom and despondency all around, An enshrouding mist,

Dark clouds of hopelessness impairing vision

Breathless for encouragement.

Much reflection and deep analysis, straining for a glimmer of light

Vibrant intermittent sparks of enlightenment, rich nuggets of insight

Reflective, restorative mental enrichment

Gasping for encouragement.

Clarity dawning on the distant horizon, beams of hope appear

Incandescent kaleidoscope of enriching thoughts arrive

Reignited mental agility leaps into action

Restorative encouragement.

Radiant, sparkling, intuitive thoughts, bounce into life.

Excitement and appreciation cascade into view

Radiance beams as a verbal waterfall

The oxygen of encouragement has dawned.

Cheerful words are freely shared, freshness in the air

Kindness shines around, reflected on all faces

A new era has dawned, joy abounds

The Eternal Encourager has come.

djs/uk May 2020



Orange-tip, Fritillary, Red Admiral & Peacock sparks,
With flitting goldfinches above and serenading high skylarks:

The wheat in flagleaf quietly grows,
The sea is calm, pots deep in rows
With orange buoys their mark bestows –
A dappled harmony billows,
With blue-belled cliffs to frame display,
A perfect early summer’s day.

Red Campion and coloured snails,
All beauty-thronging peace prevails:

How such creation gets explained
By mechanistic fancies strained –
Almighty God, You have designed,
Created all this beauty signed
By Your Great Signature of Love,
Connecting earth to heaven above.




Immersed in the kaleidoscope of life,

Submerged in the daily round and common task.

Eager to achieve and reach one’s goals

Yet – available for Your Perfect Will


Surrounded by activities and events,

Enriched by family and friendships at every turn

Inspired by those ahead on the track

Yet – available for Your Perfect Will


Entangled by challenges and relationships,

Intrigued by initiative and creativity.

Refreshed by sport, adventure and music

Yet – available for Your Perfect Will


Dreaming, exploring and planning ahead

Imbibing, absorbing, embracing knowledge

Equipped to invest in life to the full

Yet – available for Your Perfect Will


Forgiven totally, completely forever

Restored, remoulded, wonderfully reshaped

Enfolded by Eternal Love on all sides

Yes – fulfilling Your Perfect Will


What is prayer?

Pray, Hands, Grateful, Thankful

Anything can become a prayer, the old nun said. Anything? Eating my breakfast? Cleaning the loo? The morning and the evening shout for joy, we are told. The heavens declare the Glory of the Lord. The skies display His craftsmanship. Day and night make him known, without a word. Yes Lord, but sickness? Pain? A bleak housing estate without hope? The anger of man is turned to your praise, we are told. How does that work, Lord? You uphold creation with your word of power, yet at the same time, you live, to intercede for us. You are able to save completely, those who come to God through you. So let us bring with reverence, eating, house cleaning, shopping, phoning, walking, praying, laughing, cooking, friendship, sharing, singing, dancing, writing, painting, crying, puzzling, to you Lord, each day; in prayer, to you who were tempted in every way like us, yet did not sin. Let us trust you to take these to the throne of Grace so we can find mercy and grace to help in time of need.

Gillian Tettmar 26.2.19

Where is wisdom?

A child takes my hand;
A bulb grows secretly
In the darkness of the earth;
The crimson sky shouts ‘glory’
To the sinking sun.
Moonlight shines through the branches,

Birds build their nests.
Hands reach out to each other,
The supermarket trolly is full of food,
For the Food Bank.
But why do we need a food bank?

A man on a cross prays ‘Father forgive’
We kneel at the cross,
‘Father forgive us’
‘For we know not what we do’.
We come to the end of our strength.
We have tried, Lord, and we don’t understand.
We have no more to give.

The green shoots break through the ground.
On trees tender leaves uncurl.
Christ in a garden says “Take my hand”.
“I have enough to give”.

We take your hand, Lord.
We join hands together.
Together we will build
Something more generous than Food Banks.

There is wisdom.

16.1.19 Gillian Tettmar

Radiant Resilience

Explosion, Burst, Dark, Black

[Courtesy Pixabay]

Bursting with joy, sparkling with energy,

A new life is born, innocence personified.

Expectancy rewarded, enshrouded in hope

Peace on earth.

Angelic choir, responsive shepherds

Inspired dignitaries take a marathon trip

Excited parents attend their precious Son

Prince of Peace

Urgent travel arrangements, an unexpected move

A new land, a new culture, a new home.

Constant connection with the angel-messengers

Peace in action

An exciting return back home, a new start

Skills learned, wisdom crafted, faith deepened

A career in view, shining resilience for sure

Peace personified

A Dove appears, a Divine endorsement given

A new era begins, The Word dwells among us

Lives are transformed, sickness healed,

Peace in action

Radiance incarnate walks among men on earth

Faith is taught and caught, vision is instilled

A message of radiant resilience is heard

Peace in hearts


Words are Wonderful

Collages, mosaics and symphonies,

Words are audible artistry

Channels of beauty that inspire

Words are wonderful.

Lively cascades of enrichment

Refreshing body, soul and spirit

True therapies of blessings

Words are wonderful

Annoying, grating, thoughtless, unkind

Precipitating confusion, and irritation

Clouding the verbal horizon

Words can wound

Provocative, soothing, musically alive,

Dovetailing humour and education

Precipitating creative ideas and concepts

Words are wonderful

Fascinating, intriguing, stimulating

Informative jewels of beauty

Treasuries of immense value

Words are wonderful

Words of creatorial excellence

Guidelines carved into tablets of stone

Precious scrolls enshrining the Truth

The Word became flesh and dwelt

among us. How wonderful.

djs. June 2018

The Journey of Faith and Discovery

Our Collective Mission and Vision

Many times I have heard influential leaders speak about the necessity of a mission and a vision for our lives.

Tomorrow, I am giving a persuasive talk during Toastmaster’s District 53’s Jan Jam of talented leaders and communicators that are emerging from their shells and are polishing up their presence.

I feel that communication develops you and provides for you an excellent foundation with which to operate your lives.

I go back to May 25th, 1961 when President John F. Kennedy challenged America to reach for the stars and the moon by the end of the decade. Not only to stay competitive with the world in terms of space exploration but also to prevent us from staying within our realms of mediocrity.

During President Kennedy’s initial challenge, the scaffolding of NASA had to be re-engineered and strengthened. Manuals of how to train this future breed of American astronauts had to be developed.
Much had to get done.

Bravery had to become one of the coined terms and catchwords at the time.

Heading to the moon has been a fascination for me throughout my life.

During story times, there was the great classic of Goodnight Moon!!

During one of the initial launches to the moon, our family watched the progress of the mission to the moon as we vacationed along the Southold shores of Long Island.

And even when I was a young man in his twenties, I witnessed my first lunar eclipse from the living room of our cottage along the Maine coast.

I expected something dramatic to unfold so I made the living room my base of operations for about 3 hours and faithfully pulled the curtains and craned my neck to look up at the night sky.

I saw the gradual darkening of the moon and then expected a dramatic unveiling.
Only, this did not occur and after about 3 hours of quietly dancing to my expectations, I let nature play out its dance without me.

The next morning I expressed my disappointment with Mom and Dad and how I wanted this to be a dramatic experience of viewing my first eclipse. Only to leave with a different result.

Let’s just take a moment and reflect.

Are there times that you are disappointed when something does not go your way in life?

I learned that I can still enjoy the presence of being around the moon and appreciate and contemplate its reflections as it dances across the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

Yet, who is its dance partner?

This moon that I looked up at danced with the sun each day as it created the wonderful tidal flows that we watched during the days in our rented cottages along the shores of Maine.
Something bright and stellar and something that beautifully reflected what it saw from the other.

Thus the earth is its palate which creates the wonderful experiences we speak of from our childhood to the years as astronauts or observers from our living rooms.

Our family always looked at the tidal charts which graced the walls of our summer cottages.

Looking for that opportune time to go on our motorboat as we plied the Sheepscot River. As the Sheepscot River interacted with the Atlantic. I want to challenge each of you to look for something that you can stretch yourselves toward.

In this series of thoughts about faith this month, having a vision and mission for your life does require a great deal of faith.

In order to execute a mission, one has to be prepared to face a certain degree of headaches and challenges.

There is much to be accomplished from that initial dream to actually being strapped into the rocket as you travel to the moon someday.

So remember 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1….Take off!
Keep persevering between each one of those seconds of the countdown.


And I hope to see you travelling high above me as you make wonderful discoveries.

Isn’t that the true essence of our lives?

Please feel free to share your mission and vision for your lives and what you have discovered along the way.
And how this all ties to this month’s theme of faith.

Thank you.

Scott R. Davis
Your Chief Encouraging Officer of Life (C.E.O.O.L)